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LottoWiz is intelligent software that answers all of your Lotto questions.

You might be interested in simple statistics such as knowing what the most drawn numbers are.  Perhaps you want to know what numbers haven't been drawn for the most weeks and perhaps you want these statistics to exclude supplementary numbers.  Perhaps you want to base statistics on the entire history of Lotto draws or alternatively just the last 3 years.  LottoWiz will give you these answers, and more, instantly!

LottoWiz also provides you with a range of powerful number selection functions.  Wheels offer a guaranteed win if conditions are met.  You can generate games that use all 45 numbers or perhaps you want to generate every combination for a set of numbers.  You may want to include your favourite number(s) in games generated or maybe you want to exclude last weeks numbers from being selected.  LottoWiz puts all of this, and more, at your fingertips.

The secret to LottoWiz is its flexibility.  You can use any of LottoWiz's functions separately or you can combine them to suit your needs.

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